Jawaban dari "I’d like to live in the city. Apartments in the suburbs are just ……as apartments in the city. a. as..."

Apa kamu suka dikasih soal oleh kampus? Tetapi anda tidak bisa mengerjakannya? Sebetulnya ada banyak metoda untuk menyelesaikan soal tsb, salah satunya adalah dengan cara bertanya pada orang tua, selain itu menemukan jawaban di internet dapat menjadi cara yang baik saat ini.

Situs ini punya 1 cara menjawab mengenai I'd like to live in the city. Apartments in the suburbs are just ……as apartments in the city. a. as.... Silakan lihat jawaban selengkapnya di bawah:

I'd Like To Live In The City. Apartments In The Suburbs Are

just ……as Apartments In The City.

a. As Expensive D. Expensive Enough

b. Too Expensive E. So Expensive

c. Expensive Enough​

Jawaban: #1:

Apartments in the suburbs are just (B.too expensive) as apartments in the city

Too expensive = terlalu mahal

How the Super Rich Spend Their Money

How the super rich spend their money

Nah itulah cara menjawab mengenai soal di atas, semoga bermanfaat!

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