Jawaban dari "Dialogue 2 (....) Rama : I really want to live there. (....) Jenny : Yes, I do. Surabaya is a big ci..."

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Kami punya 2 cara menjawab dari Dialogue 2 (....) Rama : I really want to live there. (....) Jenny : Yes, I do. Surabaya is a big ci.... Monggo baca cara menjawab lebih lanjut di bawah ini:

Dialogue 2

(....) Rama : I Really Want To Live There.
(....) Jenny : Yes, I Do. Surabaya Is A Big City, So There Are Many People Who Live And Work There.
(....) Rama: Do You Think That There Are Too Many People Living In That City?
(....) Jenny : Of Course, The City Is Clean And Friendly. The Food And Clothes Are Very Cheap And It's
easy To Travel Around The City.
(...) Rama : Do You Think That Surabaya Is A Great Place To Live?

tolong Urutin Lagi Y Kak Ekspressi Ny
maaf Ngerepotin​

Jawaban: #1:


di balik dari bawah ke atas

Rama : Do you think that Surabaya is a great place to live?

Jenny : Of course, the city is clean and friendly. The Food and clothes are very cheap and it's

easy to travel around the city.

Rama: Do you think that there are too many people living in that city?

Jenny : Yes, I do. Surabaya is a big city, so there are many people who live and work there.

Rama : I really want to live there.

maaf kalo salah;)

Jawaban: #2:


(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)

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