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Kami punya 1 cara mengerjakan atas Buatlah paragraf writing tentang min 80 kata 1.i'm happy to inherit clothes and other things from my.... Monggo pelajari cara menjawab lebih lanjut di bawah ini:

Buatlah Paragraf Writing Tentang Min 80 Kata

1.i'm Happy To Inherit Clothes And Other Things From My Older Siblings
2.if I Were A Rich Man, I Would Live In A Rich's Man District

Jawaban: #1: Answer:

1. I am happy to inherit clothes and other things from my older siblings. Especially, clothes and other things from my oldest sister, Sasha. Because she is a fashion designer, she has a good sense of fashion and she likes to make many clothes. All of her clothes are very beautiful. Besides making clothes, she also can make accessories which made of fabric, for example, scarf, bandana, and hairpin. I like all of her creations and can not wait to get it from her sooner or later.

2. If I were a rich man, I would live in a rich's man district. The price of the land and house in that district is very expensive. the district is very well known for its safety and peace. There are many rich men live in that district, such as Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Justin Bieber, Adam Levine, and many other celebrities and businessmen. I heard my favorite celebrity, Taylor Swift, also lives in that district. How lucky I would be if that was real. i could see her every day and greet her every time we meet if she was my neighbor. I would also invite her to come over to my house if there was a party or celebration. Living in that district is really my dream. One day, if i became a rich man, i would not hesitate to buy a house in that district.

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Pelajaran: Bahasa inggris
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