Jawaban dari "Lila washes the clothes twice a week.the negative form of the setence is.... a.Lila does not washes..."

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Web ini punya 1 jawaban mengenai Lila washes the clothes twice a week.the negative form of the setence is.... a.Lila does not washes.... Monggo pelajari cara menyelesaikan selanjutnya di bawah ini:

Lila Washes The Clothes Twice A Week.the Negative Form Of The Setence Is....
a.Lila Does Not Washes The Clothes Twice A Week
b.Lila Do Not Wash The Clothes Twice A Week
c.Lila Does Not Wash The Clothes Twice A Week
d.Lila Does Wash Not The Clothes Twice A Week​

Jawaban: #1: C. Lila does not wash the clothes twice a week

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