Jawaban dari "you've worked hard to get this promotion,but your efforts where completely worth it. now,one of your..."

Apakah teman-teman salahsatu orang yang menggunakan strategi belajar dengan menemukan cara menjawabnya di situs online? Bila iya, maka teman-teman bukanlah orang satu-satunya.

Penelitian menyebutkan bahwa pembelajaran dengan penggunaan strategi mendapatkan cara mengerjakannya bisa menaikkan hasil pada mata pelajaran.

Halaman ini mempunyai 2 cara menyelesaikan dari you've worked hard to get this promotion,but your efforts where completely worth it. now,one of your.... OK langsung saja lihat jawaban lebih lanjut di bawah:

You've Worked Hard To Get This Promotion,but Your Efforts Where Completely Worth It. Now,one Of Your Great Desires Has Become Real! Congrulation! Wishing You Best Of Luck In Your New Position
16) What Is The Text About ?
A) A Compliment Message On The Hingh-quality Work
b)A Congrulation Message On The Promotion
c) An Appointement To A New Promotion
d) An Order To Start A New Project
e) A Good Wish For The Future

19) I Would Like To .... At School On Time
a)arrive (b)arrived (c) Arriving (d)has Arrived (e)had Arrived

18) Bela:wow You Look So Beautiful !
sari : ...
a)i Don't Care
b) It's A Funny
c)Don't Mention It
e) I Don't Believe In You

Jawaban: #1: Jawaban :
16) B. A congratulation message on the promotion
19) A. Arrive
18) C. Don't mention it

semoga membantu^^ Jawaban: #2: 16. b
19. e
18. b

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Remarriage & desires. Remarriage desires asianwiki

Itulah informasi mengenai "you've worked hard to get this promotion,but your efforts where completely worth it. now,one of your...", semoga bisa membantu!

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