Jawaban dari "Pink desires to purchase a one-fourth capital and profit and loss interest in the partnership of Bro..."

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Situs ini mempunyai 1 cara mengerjakan dari Pink desires to purchase a one-fourth capital and profit and loss interest in the partnership of Bro.... Monggo baca cara menyelesaikan lebih lanjut disini:

Pink Desires To Purchase A One-fourth Capital And Profit And Loss Interest In The Partnership Of Brown, Greene, And Red. The Three Partners Agree To Sell Pink One-fourth Of Their Respective Capital And Profit And Loss Interests In Exchange For A Total Payment Of $100,000. The Payment Is Made Directly To The Individual Partners. The Capital Accounts And The Respective Percentage Interests In Profits And Losses Immediately Before The Sale To Pink Follow Percentage Capital Interests In Accounts Profits And Losses Brown $168,000 50% Greene 104,000 35 Red 48,000 15 Total $320,000 All Other Assets And Liabilities Are Fairly Valued And Implied Goodwill Is To Be Recorded Prior To The Acquisition By Pink. Immediately After Pink's Acquisition, What Should Be The Capital Balances Of Brown, Greene, And Red, Respectively?

Jawaban: #1:


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