Jawaban dari "Change the sentences bellow based on the mark given: positive (+),negative(-),and interrogative sent..."

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Kami punya 1 cara menyelesaikan dari Change the sentences bellow based on the mark given: positive (+),negative(-),and interrogative sent.... Silakan lihat cara mengerjakan lebih lanjut di bawah:

Change The Sentences Bellow Based On The Mark Given: Positive (+),negative(-),and Interrogative Sentences (?)

1.) In Japan There Is Close Relationship Between The Worker And His Company

2.) People Have Used Commodities To Satisfy Desires And Needs.

3.) Do Your Business Located In Statehid Area?

4.) All Seller Want To Make A Quick Sale.

5.) The Factory Has Beem A Great Success,

6.) They Do Not Speak English Fluently.

7.) He Disagreed About The Working Condition.

8.) Planning, Organizing Are Two The Basic Managerial Tasks.

9.) I Don't Think Newspapers Are Worth Reading

10.) Did You Have Any Difficulty Getting A Visa?

Mohon Dibantu Yak Kak

Jawaban: #1:


1.) In Japan there is close relationship between the worker and his company.

(-) In Japan there isn't close relationship between the worker and his company.

2.) People have used commodities to satisfy desires and needs.

(?) Have people used commodities to satisfy desires and needs?

3.) Do your business located in statehid area?

(+) Your business locates in statehid area.

4.) All seller want to make a quick sale.

(?) Do all seller want to make a quick sale?

5.) The factory has been a great success.

(-) The factory hasn't been a great success.

6.) They do not speak English fluently.

(+) They speak English fluently.

7.) He disagreed about the working condition.

(-) He didn't disagree about the working condition.

8.) (+) Planning, organizing are two the basic managerial tasks.

9.) I don't think newspapers are worth reading.

(?) Do I think newspapers are worth reading?

10.) Did you have any difficulty getting a visa?

(-) You had some difficulty getting a visa.


Pada soal nomor 3, sepertinya ada kesalahan soal. Mungkin:

Simple present tense:

3.) Does your business locate in statehid area?


3.) Do your businesses locate in statehid area?

Simple past tense:

3.) Did your business locate in statehid area?

(+) Your business located in statehid area.

Pada soal nomor 8, sudah berbentuk (+). Sehingga tidak perlu diubah lagi.

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai penjelasan simple present tense pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/38798216


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